• New ideas and new ways.

    New ideas and new ways.

    Due to our extensive international network, our expertise and creativity, PayLohn enables new possibilies. PayLohn is flexible, open to new options and dependable. Please join us to create new ideas and new ways.
  • We stimulate growth.

    We stimulate growth.

    Due to our extensive international network, our expertise and creativity, PayLohn enables new possibilies. PayLohn is flexible, open to new options and dependable. Please join us to create new ideas and new ways.

About us

PayLohn works differently

PayLohn offers backoffice and payroll services within and outside of Europe by means of optimalised data processing. We are specialists in data processing and ensure seamless administration for temporary employment, payrolling, salary administration as well as HRM project management within the entire European economic zone. Smooth backoffice administration is a vital element of your company, as accounting and salary administration - i.e. the major parts of risk management - require special expertise and know-how. In addition, first class call acceptance, IT and administrative processing are preconditions for successful HRM and business management. The backoffice is the backbone of a profitable company.

Intricate and internationally different laws and regulations, especially concerning employment and wages, require continuous updating and international networking.

Paylohn garantees correct, transparent and responsible management.

PayLohn is your guarantor in order to ensure long-term relations with your employees. Flawless and immediate information about payments, remunerations and pensions, legal position during unemployment and illness, Equal Pay and standard wages, child benefits and occupational safety garantees employee satisfaction and long-lasting relations between employee and employer. Ensuring trust and respect needs continued attention, as the European labour market is changing rapidly.
For PayLohn correct and prompt implementation of changing national (labour-)legislation is not only a duty, but even more a precondition in order to ensure long-term cost optimalisation for the benefit of employer and employee. PayLohn offers innovative HRM, new types of contracting and transparency to both. Corporate social responsibility, safety, ethics and values are vital values to Paylohn. PayLohn is your preferred backoffice service provider and the solution for your HRM.

Corporate social responsibilitydame-schoon

PayLohn actively implements a comprehensive CSR (“Corporate Social Responsibility") policy. Companies have to make conscientious decisions in order to achieve the right balance between “People, Planet, Profit”. PayLohn takes its entrepreneurial responsibility regarding society, environment and business very seriously.

PayLohn works according to below listed guidelines
PayLohn works according to

PayLohn GmbH mission statement and company policy

The PayLohn company policy aims to bring employee safety, health and well-being to the highest level and to maintain top standards.

PayLohn operates according to the following guidelines
  • PayLohn follows legal requirements in the areas of security, health, environment, well-being as well as social and tax legislation and duly implements rulings of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce as well as the German Commercial Court, NEN 4400-2, the Dutch “G-Rekening”, German and Austrian Temporary Employment Legislation (AÜG), Healthcare Inspectorate (IGZ) and HSE, ISO26000, ISO37500, Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial Policy (SCP), Dutch KIWA “Verklaring ter Beschikkingstelling voor transport” (Declaration of Deployment for Road Transport), “Philippines Accreditation Pre-Employment Service (Nr 33765)”.  
  • PayLohn integrates the need for employee safety, health and well-being from the outset in its services and strives for continuous improvement.
  • PayLohn will map working conditions and environment in order to ensure maximum security of staff, employees, clients and third parties and prevent personal injury as well as material or environmental damage.
  • PayLohn informs every client of all aspects regarding security, health, environment and well-being, as well as about employee satisfaction.
  • PayLohn prioritises minimalisation of danger to employees above prevention of any other risks.
  • PayLohn communicates transparently concerning safety, health, environment, well-being and service quality, internally as well as externally.
  • PayLohn highly values regular evaluation of its services by and with clients and staff.
  • PayLohn makes clear, transparent and verifiable arrangements concerning client specifications, requests and instructions.
  • PayLohn works continuously to improve security, health and environmental conditions as well as well-being of employees and quality of service.
  • PayLohn lattaches high value to a correct financial and social attitude of and amongst staff, clients and institutions.
  • PayLohn stands for ethics and values, individual and correct service, integrity, professionalism, service orientation, focus on performance and results, flexibility, innovation, transparency, clarity, respect and social responsibility.